Friday, January 4, 2013

Week 14: Day 2

I’m not going to lie, something quite interesting happened yesterday, aside from needing to pee more than I’ve ever needed to pee in my life, eating well made me feel better. Drinking water all day long (aside from the aforementioned peeing) actually did I believe give me more energy. It was a pain in the butt to be running errands and every time I got somewhere half to run to the bathroom because I was in physical pain, but I think the end result might have been worth it. I am not sure how much water I drank yesterday since I wasn’t really counting or paying attention, probably at least 3-4 sixteen ounce bottles. Today I filled up a water bottle which has to be 32 ounces. That way when I drink it all I know I’ve completed 32 ounces.

When I got home last night after mucho water consumption I ran. And then I had a realization, it is too easy. Not that running is easy, but I mean what I’ve always done has gotten too easy. I need to change something up. I realized that a month ago I was sweating bullets and soaking shirts with this same workout. Last night I felt like I barely broke a sweat. It perhaps is time to dramatically alter what I’m doing. But I don’t want to complain. I mean last night I ran 11.1 miles and burned 1589 calories. That isn’t horrible, but I just didn’t sweat all that much. For the sake of doing something different I then spent 15 minutes on the elliptical and burned 111 calories… 1.2 miles. I guess I just wish I had worked harder for it. I suppose it’s time to up the speed or something.

Aside from the water consumption I had fresh fruits and veggies yesterday which was a nice change. I love avocados but have failed to really eat any at home until yesterday. For some reason I always saw them as difficult to mess with by myself. But last night I cut one open and gutted it and then ate that with bites of fresh chicken breast. It was AMAZING! I definitely could see myself doing that more often. I went to the store at lunch which is how I came into possession of said avocados. I bought TONS of fresh produce. Most of the time I tend to lack in this department. I eat a lot of processed foods even know. Boxed meals out of convenience. Today I have 2 bananas, an apple and some carrot and celery slices sitting in front of me for snacks. I will really have to try extra hard this week to get it all in, the healthy stuff.

I am contemplating purchasing Bob Harpers the Skinny Rules book for my ipad. Well, it’s not for my ipad, it’s for me to read, but I don’t mind the format of reading it on the ipad. I read parts of it as the tease on amazon and since it kept my attention enough I might want to purchase it and continue to read. It’s not as if it’s crazy new info or anything but I really like Bob Harper and anything that keeps your head in the game is good. Speaking of Bob Harper I am REALLY excited for the return of Biggest Loser on Sunday. Of course I won’t watch it on Sunday since it isn’t on until 8, well past my workout time. I will watch Sunday’s show on Monday night, so I’m telling myself it’s premiering Monday night. Of course it will actually normally be Monday night, so actually a Tuesday workout viewing experience for me. Monday night is also the new Bachelor. I can’t help it, after all these years I’m still addicted to that show. Its trash TV with very few actual happy endings but there is always the hope that it could turn out that way. I’m a sucker for that hope.

I’m also attaching a picture of my new “everyday” Coach purse I purchased last Sunday and then my “travel” purse that I pretty much purchased for Vegas, but I suppose I can use it every time I travel which isn’t NEARLY as much as I’d like. I think this summer I need to take a nice week long vacation somewhere it’s been far too long. But I also think that has something to do with my weight. When I am overweight I don’t want to go anywhere. It seems fitting that by the summer I should be closer to goal and happier with myself and therefore want to go to a warm tropical beach. It’s how it always goes. I am thinking Maui of course. It seems to be every two years and this would be the year then. Who knows though, Maui is WAY more expensive now than it was two years ago or four years ago for that matter. Here’s hoping that the prices somehow get better in the next couple months. It’s possible, but it’s definitely in the back of my mind.

I think that’s about it for the day, plan is to run again tonight, but I should probably just immediately start out at higher speed. I guess my fear is that I will tire out quicker and not be able to run as far, but I guess I shouldn’t worry about that because the whole point is to challenge myself and make the time I do work out worthwhile and if I work out for less amount of time but at a higher intensity it probably is better for my body. I will have to try and see how it turns out.