Friday, August 14, 2015

Just a quickie...

Just wanted to let everyone know, It’s officially 5 weeks from today that I will in fact be at my favorite place on earth.  Maui.  Marathon is the Sunday, but I fly in and land on Friday. So 5 weeks baby. 5 freaking weeks! Yup, yup. Excited much???

Real quickly, because I can, before I leave for the day. My afternoon consisted of lunchtime errands for food shopping. Got lots and lots of chicken to grill up this weekend as well as some more quest bars. I have been out for a while so we will see how long these last.  I also got some white chocolate peanut butter which is going to be incredibly dangerous in my life. Eek.  Oh food. It is necessary.

Then its rest day and I kind of hate rest day because it makes me feel like a slob and lazy and then I eat too much and that makes it all worse. Yeah, that happens.  But honestly, seriously, don’t I need to rest and eat more?  Because of tomorrow and all? Yeah, I think probably so.

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