Thursday, May 28, 2015

Make it work

Busy day at work today thus the late and short update.  Ever so occasionally it happens.  I’m trying to fit in everything and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.  Last night as I fully expected I got to Amanda’s gym and then spent about an hour just talking to her catching up.  That’s how it goes sometimes.  And then I quickly sprinted out 1 mile just to warm up my body before class. I definitely more effectively burn during lifting when I have at least got my heart rate up a little bit.  And then we did a 45 minute all over workout.  Nice workout.  When all was said and done I burned another 300 calories for the day.  Nothing too major, nothing too stressful, just good enough.

I’m trying to get everything in order as things seem to have all of a sudden crept up on me.  Today is Thursday and tonight I go to the gym and intend to do a 4.5 mile run.  I honestly have no idea if I will lift afterwards or not.  We will see.  I have nothing officially planned out. Just going to go with the flow.  But I’m trying to figure out how to squeeze in a run tomorrow and it’s looking complicated.  I suppose I could wake up and run early as that might be my best chance at it but that doesn’t actually sound like major fun. I don’t know.  It’s pretty hot here by the afternoon so while in theory a lunchtime run could be possible it’s also not entirely probable.  Tomorrow I have to do payroll which is always a bit of a stressor and takes a while so that is my first thought for the morning.  We will see. I will get it all planned out one way or another. 

Chris does in fact want to go camping tomorrow as soon as he gets home from work at like 6:30 he wants to leave.  This means I realistically can’t run after work. Ugh.  Things do get complicated on occasion.  Saturday morning I will wake up from the campsite and drive to Oregon State University where I am doing the Girls on the Run 5k with my niece.  She’s been doing the training program at her school for the past couple months and this is the culmination of the program ending in a 5k race.  They have to have running buddies and of course I am hers.  So I will leave from the campsite and be gone for the morning doing that.  Sunday my plan has me running 8.5 miles but honestly I don’t think I am going to do it.  I will be camping and lazy and realistically I know it’s not likely.  I need to do 12 more miles between tonight and Sunday.  I will do 3 on Saturday so that leaves me 9 miles.  If I run 4.5 miles tonight that means I just have to do a 4.5 mile run either tomorrow or Sunday.  I suppose I could make one of these happen.  Wait, I WILL make one of these happen.  And it will be okay. If I don’t technically get in a long run this weekend I will still be fine.  I always run way more than I’m supposed to anyway.  And honestly next weekend calls for a 4.5 mile run only on the weekend and instead I’m running a half, so 13.1. I think if I only get in a 4.5 miler this weekend that shall be fine.

I know, I am splitting hairs when you are talking about running so much anyway.  One day at a time.  Focus on going to the gym tonight and running 4.5 miles. That is the first battle.  Then I should probably go home and think about packing so that I am ready to leave at 6:30 tomorrow immediately when Chris gets home.  That would be smart of me.

So as I’ve been thinking about it I’ve developed a new plan of action.  I think I can sneak out of work tomorrow early seeing as its Friday and that is typically a possibility always.  So if I left at 4:30 and went immediately to the gym say be there at 4:45 would be the plan (I’d run outside but I think it might be too hot).  I could run 4.5 miles say from 4:45-5:30, be home before 6. As long as I was home at 6, I could hop in the shower and be ready to go by 6:30.  I think that would actually work.  Possibilities.

I am learning that with a training plan you have to be flexible honestly.  I ultimately don’t want to burn myself out too much.  But of course I tend to, as I always just go and go.  Crazy full speed ahead is pretty much the only way I know how to really function.   All of this means that I need to pack up some crap tonight.  Get my outfit together for Saturday morning for my run, pack camping clothes, etc.

I should point out that I actually don’t like camping.  I love being outside and outdoors and will hang out all day every day hiking, walking, just enjoying nature’s beauty. But at the end of the day, at night I just want to go home to my clean bed, clean myself off and get a good night’s sleep in a nice temperature controlled environment and wake up fresh.  Camping is not really my favorite thing at all.  The whole overnight process of it.  But Chris really loves it so I’m trying to do this for him.  He’s looking forward to it and these are things we have to do, the give and take of a relationship.  Honestly I probably take more than I give so I suppose this is my turn to give a little.

Anyhow, I need to get back to work.  I will figure it all out somehow.

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