Monday, October 14, 2013

A Journey via Pinterest

Last night, as is pretty customary of most of my late evenings, after dinner, ipad in hand, television on in the background, I surfed the internet. I basically troll around Facebook, twitter and then ususally hit up pinterest for some action. I know, exciting right? Anyhow, I can’t tell you how inspired I sometimes get from stupid little quote set to pretty backgrounds. I suspect really it’s the words, right? But I love reading new ones that motivate and inspire me and make me reflect on all how true the words are for me. Obviously, I am going to share a couple of them right now because that is where this was going, right?

The first one that struck me was amazing:

I mean, right? Don’t I preach about passion like all the time. I completely wholeheartedly believe that passion is key. Now, I am not positive that in order to completely thrive you have to be crazy passionate but I completely believe than anyone worth watching/following/stalking has amazing passion. Think of professional athletes. There is no way to deny that their passion is thru the roofs. This just spoke right to my heart because I love the concept of setting yours4elf on fire with passion. I do it most days, or rather strive to. I then stumbled across this one:

This comes directly off the first one, those things that you set yourself on fire with passion about are not random at all, these are considered your calling. Love it. Perhaps those things that really set me on fire are not coincidence at all, but rather my true calling in life. I am working hard to discover that right now and determine that this way of life, this journey really has always been and will always be my true calling. That my true calling is more than the life I’ve been living the past 34 years and it’s starting to finally emerge from within me. Which brought me to this next one…

I love the progression that my passion turns into my calling which is really ultimately just the realization of my dreams. For so long my dreams have been just that dreams, that seem so impossible and then when I start to think about the reality of them it just seems improbable (like okay somehow its possible for me to run a half marathon in Disney but its so improbable because financially that seems crazy and logistically its improbable to go to Disneyland to run). We constantly find the improbable in the reality of realizing our hearts greatest desires. And then, when we finally summon the will, they soon become inevitable. PERFECTION! The complete transformational process of a dream into reality. This is pretty much how dreams go, isn’t it? Now that I’ve gotten out of my own way, the dream just seems highly inevitable more than anything else. Notice the superman logo behind that quote? Yup, you are a kind of superman or woman in this case for being able to turn that dream into your own inevitability. Which makes me channel my inner “brave” and “roar”

Who knew that people were already creating quotes from my two favorite motivation songs, Brave and Roar. Which reminds me that….

Essentially these are the same sentiment but I like them both and how they are both phrased. That what you thought was that amazing goal that you had to channel your bravery and roar for ends up being something completely different from where you started from. The truth is my goal a year ago was just to lose the weight again. I had no greater ambitions this time around and somewhere along the way things did end up different and holy cow it is so much better that way! And of course on my way to my inevitable dream of being 140 pounds again I got a little lost and found better dreams worth fighting for. Because I was brave and allowed myself to roar and discover my passion and true calling I was able to connect with something much better than simply being 140 pounds. I was able to find new dreams about health and happiness and strength and power and self-love. I have new dreams that are way better than I could have ever originally imagined which leads me to this…

I am in love with this new confident happy woman I am becoming because I did fight so hard to become her. Because I am still fighting every day to find her and be her and discover exactly who she is. But I am completely in love with her because I have earned her with all that passion I have created, and all the courage I’ve learned to channel. I love me because she is the best gift I’ve ever given myself which brings me to this…

And in the end, I really have had this inside of me all along. I have always been this girl, this champion, this fighter. As Glinda the Good Witch says, I just had to learn it for myself.

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