Ah Monday’s, how I generally loathe thee. I was running wickedly late this morning, due to a series of events put into motion yesterday. Actually, back the gravy train up, I think the series of events started Friday really. After work I had every intention of going home and running and being super fabulously healthy. Key word being intention. It didn’t happen as my mom called and wanted me to stop by after day 1 of the garage sale and hang for a while with my aunts. Yup. I adore my aunts, wanted some bonding and out the door went exercise. Eh, no big deal. Likewise the wine I drank and Chinese food eaten no big deal. One day won’t kill anyone.
Saturday was up and at em for the garage sale. It was actually a lot of fun hanging out with my mom and two favorite aunts. But the food consumption was just whatever and whenever. Including pizza and crackers. Then this was followed up by a Saturday night trip to Applebee’s for ½ price appetizers and margaritas. Delicious. Okay, two days of decadence. Cool… I can be good on Sunday. I should really know better by now that this is not going to happen. The over-indulgence continued with not one buy two trips to McDonald’s. I am not totally sure how it happened, just that it did. It was an early lunch of nuggets and fries. Then it was a few errands around town including stopping to get a full cheesecake for Chris. Beer and Mike’s Light were also on the list. Anyhow, needless to say, more bad choices, whatever. I’m not even upset really. Then Chris went riding with his friends said he was starving and wanted to stop and get some food and McDonald’s it was. (In all fairness it’s really close to the house thus easy). To mix it up I got a chicken sandwich and fries.
All of this would be totally fine if it weren’t for the fact that the Mike’s Light ended up giving me a killer headache and the overindulgence of food had me up at midnight puking my guts out. Even after round one I tried to sleep and found it elusive for an hour or so, leading me to promptly jump out of bed around 1 AM and sprint to the toilet for round 2. Once round 2 commenced I did finally feel better and the headache dissipated and I was finally able to sleep.
I woke up this morning not wanting to start my day, thus the late start. It’s Monday and therefore the special of the day at Subway is the turkey breast/ham sandwich and that is exactly what I had along with some baked chips and I’m feeling pretty contented now. It is 100% the plan to go home and have a nice run. Mostly I’m posting that here so that I must do it because half the time after not exercising for a few days it’s the last thing I WANT to do, despite loving it so much. Therefore I have to say it out loud as if I have no choice in the matter, which I don’t. See. I said it. I’m trying to mean it. Run today. I need to have a good week to counterbalance the indulgence of the weekend. I did manage to make $300 at the garage sale which is actually pretty damned amazing really. I ended up selling tons of my brand new products I’ve gotten from couponing for free for $1 each, and boy that stuff flew off the table like hot cakes. And somehow I had $300 to put into an envelope for Vegas.
Yes, I am heading to Vegas in 3 weeks and I’m totally excited. I just can’t wait to get away. I need a good vacation, and some fun! Yeah Vegas. Also, I’ve been into scrapbooking lately and just want to take pictures so that I can assemble a pretty scrapbook, much like the one I did for my Maui trip last year. Anyhow, yes the combination of fun and trip and the possibility to scrapbooking goodness are too much for to bear and the excitement gets me I’m an uber geek!
Anyway, about a week ago I did a classic Emily move meaning I was wearing some flip flops and I took a step out into my garage and did the classic thing where your foot slides off the flip flop onto the side totally twisting and messing up your foot. Otherwise referred to as spraining your foot. Or at the very least hurting it badly. That night I had to ice it and didn’t want to walk. I did manage to get in exercise last week, but it still isn’t totally right. Oh mind you, I shall push thru and run again tonight, but it’s not right and it’s annoying me. It will be fine it’s just an annoyance and it’s frustrating that something so stupid can happen AGAIN. I’ve definitely done this before.
Anyhow, puking your guts out is not fun therefore it’s a good reminder of why I shouldn’t eat like that for days on end and also a good reminder to try and keep it under control while in Vegas because I don’t want to be sick while on vacation. No fun. Keep everything under control to some extent so that I can actually enjoy it. 2 ½ hours left of work and then its home to run. I can get thru 2.5 hours.
We watched the first hour of the Event last night. I have them all on my DVR box and have to say I’m intrigued, but I also was the hugest Lost fan and it has some of that intrigue and mystery about it, so I’m definitely looking forward to getting into it a little more. I also recorded and watched about 3 hours of Say Yes to the Dress on TLC last night too. I think I’ve probably seen every episode, but I sat there for about 3 hours watching the 6 episodes. I only mention this because last night for that hour of delirium when I didn’t feel well I kept having these little nightmares or visions of dress shopping and I kept feeling like I had to buy a wedding dress, but I kept telling the people, No, but I really do love my dress. I already have one. Too much say yes to the dress I suppose. But at least I really like my dress :)
I think that’s about it.
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