Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Food Choices

So you want to talk food? Actually Jennifer wanted to talk food based on a comment to yesterday’s post so I am going to go ahead and give a quick little run down. For the past while I haven’t really been tracking food all that much, I am so stuck in a rut; routine. Breakfast is usually Greek yogurt and/or coffee. I have a mid-morning snack of a banana or other fruit. Lunch is typically a lean cuisine or Smart Ones meal. Afternoon snack always, fruit typically. Dinners are a lot of fish or chicken. I like chicken and avocado. I love bread so yeah; I eat a lot of bread. Oops. We have spaghetti a lot. And I’m not going to lie I must always eat some sort of dessert.

I have been on again/off again tracking my food into my gym’s online tracking system where I’m supposed to put it in and eat WAY more than I do on weight watchers. Since I have been in protein mode lately I have been eating more. What I am posting is 3 days worth of eating for me. The past 2 days in fact and a day last week, mainly because my days are kind of hit and miss as to whether I end up actually recording everything but I did these 3 days so here you go. You can see what I’m eating and all the lovely nutritional break down. Of course this is actually MORE than I would eat while trying to lose weight as it is over my allotted 26 weight watchers points. I swear I was eating more like 1200-1400 calories a day on weight watchers and they want me to eat 1900 which I’m not. But it is more like 1600 I’m eating probably because I am so damned hungry! Anyway, food has never been my best aspect of health and nutrition but I will keep trying right… which I guess is why I enter stuff into the gym logbook.

The past two days had I really been doing weight watchers I would have taken out some the high protein thus high point items like the snack bars, etc. But its pretty clean mostly with lots of fruit.


Brianna said...

I love that you have avocado so much! Myself and my husband kill some avocados- eat them raw, add them as a condiment to dinner, make guacamole, add to sandwiches- you name it. LOVE THEM.

These are good looking menus! Thanks for sharing- it helps me with some menu planning ideas.

I love the summer right now because of being able to grill. Makes dinner SO easy!

Jennifer said...

Thanks so much for posting this, Emily!!! It helps me come up with new ideas!