Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fourty dollars to weigh

Well now, week 1 is officially behind me. I lost 4.4 pounds. This is a good solid week 1 number. I’ll take it. If you consider how much yo-yoing I’ve put my body thru its pretty amazing that I can still manage that. I’ve just got to keep going along doing what I’ve been doing. I will say I’ve decided that my meeting is AWFUL and after giving it a two week try I am now officially saying I will no longer be staying. It is like ½ an hour of pulling teeth. It’s that bad. Yeah, I could always try and find another meeting, but hell this time works for me so I’ll just go and weigh-in and be done with it. It’s always an amazing concept to me that I need to pay someone $40 a month just to weigh me. Why can’t I do it on my own with my own scale? Truly bizarre as I’ve realized that clearly I can’t do it on my own. I need that accountability. $40 a month down the drain. But at least it’s getting me to commit to this finally after a year.

Last night I was tired after my meeting but decided that I was going to exercise anyway. I figured that hopefully I’d start exercising and feeling better and I wouldn’t be so tired anymore. I also figured if I was still that tired then I’d just stop. Basically Monday night I had a bad workout. I could only manage to do 30 minutes and that was all I had motivation for. I figured it was fine. But last night once I got on the treadmill things definitely picked up. I ran 45 out of 62 minutes, did a total of 5.5 miles, 750 calories burned. I kept my workout clothes on intentionally and later in the evening, before hitting my shower, I got myself on there for 15 more minutes. I just wanted to run 1 more mile. So yeah, a total of 15 min, 1.25 miles, 175 calories. Pretty good for an evening especially with this out of shape body. But I’m working on it and just feel happy that I can accomplish as much as I do. I know not everyday is going to be these good of workouts so I’ll take them when I get them.

It’s hard to consistently be motivated I suppose. Oh, don’t get me wrong I’m not at all tempted to eat crap or anything right now. I flipped the switch so to speak where it’s not even something I am considering. It’s like all unhealthy food is dead to me. It’s a game. I think I must secretly be a crazy game player. I like number games played out in my head. Points, dollars, coupons. Oh yeah I’ve become a crazy coupon gal. I get pretty much everything for free and don’t want to pay a dime for any product these days. It’s crazy. I have a mathematical brain that can figure out deals and of course foods and calories pretty damn well. It’s scary how good I can be at things at times. It does scare me because I know inevitably I will crash and burn because my levels of intensity are not something that can be kept up long term. There has never been a single project my entire life that I could keep up at the crazy pace I usually set for myself. It’s always a race to finish because I’m afraid I won’t finish if I don’t give it my all because my momentum always wears out.

The fortunate part is, I’ve always been able to accomplish my ww “goal”, I just can’t keep the weight off. Hell, maybe this time, right? Wonders never do cease. I mean for the first time in my life, over the past 9 months, I have somehow managed to get my finances in the best place they’ve ever been in. I am NOT a finance girl. I am a spend everything I’ve got girl, but over the past 9 months I’ve managed to change that. I have been so good with my money. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not have a lot of money. I don’t make that much money and certainly there’s not that much to go around, but I’ve been able to save a little money for the first time in my life. I feel a great sense of accomplishment over that. So I suppose change really is possible. I’d say if you really want it, it’s possible. I don’t know why after 30 years of my life I was finally able to make such a drastic change, but I did. And I am the better for it.

Anyhow, someday I’ll explain my couponing ways, but that’s time consuming and difficult and honestly might make me sound like the OCD girl I am. (Obsessive Compulsive). Another time perhaps. All I can say is that I wanted some breakfast bars of some sort, and this week, starting today, Safeway had Kashi Go Lean bars on sale for $2 a box, and with coupons, and then buying another product that made money I was able to get 4 boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes and 4 boxes of Kashi Go Lean Bars for $1.00. I will get rid of the Corn Flakes but I kind of needed to buy them to make the Kashi cheaper. It’s a complex story. The end result is I paid $1.00 for my 4 boxes of bars. This is probably why my finances are in the best shape of their life, because I get most all of my stuff for free or very cheap.

I am thinking about hitting up Jack in the Box or Wendy’s for a lunchtime salad. Haven’t had a good yummy hearty salad yet since on weight watchers and I think it might be time. We will see what tonight brings in terms of motivation for my treadmill time. It’s always a challenge, but for now I’ll just take my 4.4 pound loss and keep going.


Tina said...

Congrats on the loss! I really am looking forward to hearing how you have been saving so much with coupons!

MrsS said...

Congrats on a very successful first week!

This is actually my first time posting to you, but I've been following your blog for a while now. I checked back about once a month to see if you posted, but you weren't around and I was just hoping you were OK.

Goodness, if you only know how many people out there are going thru EXACTLY what you are going thru, myself being one of them.

I lost 60+ pounds & became a lifetime WW member, ugh 7 years ago, and I've been playing that darn weight yo yo game myself ever since. I wasn't at goal for very long, not very long at all and gained it all back myself. I've been struggling to get back there ever since.

Back in January I started going to my WW meetings again, then stopped for a bit, started again, stopped again, etc., etc. I also found an exercise class that I enjoy the way you enjoy running. I started going once a week, then 2, then 3 and now 4x/week. I also recommited myself to WW once again in about 1 month I'm just about to hit my 10#. I got my 16 week charm last week, which I should have gotten much earlier, but I haven't been consistent. I also should have hit my 10# a LONG time ago, but I was so NOT CONSISTENT! I'd lose 1#, gain 1/2, lose 1, gain 2, you get the gist.

OK, to my point. I'm so happy to have found my motivation again and that you have found your way too and that I can share this journey with you. Congrats on your first week and good luck!!!

Pg_Ro said...

Congrats on your loss this first week and on your financial achievements this past year. Hope you have a great week!

Living A Dream Together said...

Congrats! I have been couponing since last April and I have saved THOUSANDS of dollars! Walgreens is my place to go. I am able to walk out with a heaping cart full for about $15. :) I have the best stockpile ever!

At first I found it time consuming and I needed to look for every deal imaginable, but know I have it down to about 30 min a week.

Have you ever tried meal planning? It has saved me even more time and money.

Good LUCK!