I love my life. There I said it. And do you want to know what in particular brought this thought on just a second ago? It’s this. I was sitting here and went, oh crap, I should write a blog post, and it’s been a few days hasn’t it? And then I thought typically this lack of posting would mean that I was somehow faltering in my endeavors and then I realized that was exactly NOT the case. The fact of the matter is, this is my life. Healthy, active, fit, determined and therefore I just love my life. I am not slacking. I am not faltering in my endeavors, I am just busy and don’t have tons and tons to say. But I do love my life.
Just survive December plan is still in full force. I really feel that January is going to be a big, kick ass month, like so many people who vow to do things different “this year”… I don’t necessarily anticipate changing anything about my lifestyle but I am looking forward to a refreshed restart. In the mean time I am still going at it.
Wednesday night I had personal training which kicked my ass. Then last night was mega workout night and I felt AMAZING. I met Amanda at the gym at a little after 5 PM. We did 15 minutes on the stair climber for a warm up. Love how 15 minutes of climbing your ass up stairs on repeat is the warm up. Then we did a 30 minute barbell class which Mary taught. Then it was 1 hour of Iron Power which Amanda taught. So overall I did 1 hour 45 minutes of amazing strength training and I felt so alive and high. Love that feeling. Did I mention I felt strong? It really makes me feel so confident and alive.
Today is rest day. Actually I get a massage tonight after work. I will take it. Then tomorrow I have free to myself and I love it. This is what my plan of action is. 9 AM, hour long Turbo at the gym with Amanda. 10 AM, hour long gladiators otherwise known as boot camp with Amanda. Then I am going to go home shower and change up and then I am meeting Amanda at 1 PM for lunch and to hang out. Yup, girl date and girl time with one of my favorite people. Look mom, I have a friend! A real life friend that I am meeting for lunch. I never thought I’d see the day. Then at 5 PM tomorrow I have a nail appointment, time for a fill and a color. I am thinking tomorrow I am painting my nails red in honor of my favorite holiday.
So yes, perfect girl day for me. Also exactly what I need. Today I just feel happy and that is a great thing. It’s the small things in life I guess. We all have those moments, days where no matter what you do or how hard you try you just feel defeated or don’t love yourself when you look in the mirror and then there are the opposite days the ones where you just see yourself and feel happy and thankful for the progress you have made. Today is one of the latter.
I feel like I am actually “feeling” muscle growth in my body and it is such an amazing feeling. I am beyond certain that I am never going to be fully tight or ripped simply because of all the extra skin that has been stretched over and over again but holy hell are things so much better than they have EVER been. It gives me so much hope for the future that if I keep working things will someday have to get better and the plus side of all that is that I truly LOVE everything I am doing in my life and wouldn’t want to change it. This life, this exercise, this eating, is NOT torture anymore. It is happiness.
Single best decision of 2013… gym… Yup, there you have it. Perhaps one of the single best decisions of my entire life actually. Of course it has to be the right gym I guess because I have previously joined a gym and never went. I adore my gym obviously and it just works for me. So amazing to find people in real life that share some of my passion and enthusiasm. Of course it comes in the form of the trainers and gym nuts like me but nonetheless it feels great to connect with people in real life. Clearly that is something that has always been missing in my life as well.
Anyway, back to the feeling muscle just in the past couple weeks I have started to notice and feel muscles in my legs, my upper thighs. Now this is huge because I carry my weight in my thighs and such. This is not typically an area that ever gets muscular for me. Too much fat and skin around it. Still is lots honestly but I can feel muscle coming in now and that is so encouraging. Encouraging for a girl who but a year ago was where I was at.
I am crazy giddy happy with how I feel. How I feel about myself and my life. Yes, happy that my body is getting tighter but mostly happy because my inside just loves to live life now. Happy because I have confidence that eluded me my entire life. Perhaps part of that confidence comes with age as well. I can’t give all the credit to strength training. Part of me was bound to grow up eventually.
I am thinking about resolving in 2014 to eat more greens. Or more natural food. I have to admit that I am just terrible with my laziness. I have gotten so processed with everything out of sheer hatred of cooking. It’s ridiculous! I think I’ve got a pretty solid workout life in place so if there is room to improve or dial in it is the nutrition.
Anyhow, I don’t really have much else going on. Looking forward to my massage to get some of the knots out of my overworked body and then I get to go home and wrap a mountain of presents that have been piling up all week as the packages come in. Thank you Amazon Prime and online shopping as a whole. I’d say 99% of my shopping has been completed online. So thankful for that.
Have a fabulous weekend, as I wholeheartedly intend to!
Yay! I am so happy for you. And the fact that you are meeting a friend of lunch... that makes me happy!! Yippee Emily!
I was going to say the same thing as Theresa - I am beyond thrilled to read that you've made a good female friend that you can hang out with...nothing in the whole world has shaped me, helped me, saved me, entertained me more than my girlfriends.
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